Aurora Shoe Co.


Posts tagged "Where have your Aurora Shoes taken YOU?"

We love sharing photos of our many pairs of shoes and their worldly adventures.  Here's our latest email from a happy customer who traveled to Ireland in Auroras.  I love the photos and wish that I could be transported to that beautiful garden right now.  A pint of Guinness wouldn't be half bad either...

I've been loving my shoes, and even taking pictures of them! I'm from Salt Lake City, and we...


 There was a lot of leg lifting at Squam.  Everyone wanted to see the shoes on somebody and not just sitting on a shelf.  Thank goodness for leggings, because from behind our table, the only way to show mine off was to lift my foot up, dress and all.  I was wearing these, my warm weather favorites. 

I bought these shoes in 2002 when I was waitressing and needed a pair of comfortable black shoes to...


My mom and I left on Friday afternoon and drove the seven hours north and east to Holderness, New Hampshire where the Squam Art Workshopsare held. We arrived in darkness and woke up on Saturday to the most beautiful day. The sun was shining, the air was warm, and the scenery was beautiful - winding roads, huge boulders, and the smell of pine in the air. I found myself feeling more relaxed than I...


We recently received this photo and message from Gary M. who discovered our shoes at Neighbour in Vancouver.   Gary said:

I live in Europe and love a pair of Camper boots that I've worn pretty much around the world. I travel quite a bit on business, often to odd places, and am pretty fussy about what i take with me. Especially shoes. They need to be functional and comfortable and able to stand up...