Aurora Shoe Co.

Aurora Shoes in Ireland

We love sharing photos of our many pairs of shoes and their worldly adventures.  Here's our latest email from a happy customer who traveled to Ireland in Auroras.  I love the photos and wish that I could be transported to that beautiful garden right now.  A pint of Guinness wouldn't be half bad either...

I've been loving my shoes, and even taking pictures of them! I'm from Salt Lake City, and we just went to visit my grandparents in Ireland. I have three pictures

1. My auroras outside St. James's Gate of the Guinness store house in Dublin. I walked all over the store house and learned how to pour the perfect pint in my Auroras!

2. My Shoes by my grandma's garden in a small Irish town (Anascaul, Co. Kerry, Ireland). Her food is the best.

3. My Shoes in the Kitchen, where the food harvested from the garden is prepared and eaten! 

Thanks for making awesome shoes!


Thanks so much for sharing, Neel.  It looks like you had a great time!  Where have your Aurora Shoes taken YOU?